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Why Majoring in Chemistry Today Can Make for a Successful Career Tomorrow

Picture of Why Majoring in Chemistry Today Can Make for a Successful Career Tomorrow
Program Spotlight

Chemistry is an exceptionally intriguing field of study, affecting practically every aspect of life on earth in one way or another. Using chemistry, scientists more than met our basic needs for food, shelter, clothing, energy, health and a clean environment—they improved them. Chemical technologies continue to deliver innovative solutions to problems in health, materials and energy usage.

Chemistry is essentially a toolbox for a better quality of life—one capable of resolving the complex challenges of modern life.

Why Study Chemistry?

The study of chemistry prepares you for the real world and positions you to choose from a wide array of interesting, useful and rewarding careers. Chemistry is an extraordinary and fascinating field of study. Without a true understanding of chemistry, the world would not be what it is today. Check out this video on the relationship between energy and chemistry to see for yourself.

Often referred to as the central science, chemistry combines mathematics and physics, environmental sciences and earth, and biology and medicine. An undergraduate degree in chemistry will prepare you to pursue a professional career in education, industry or public service. It builds a strong foundation for advanced studies in a variety of related fields. Because chemists are one of the most highly sought-after scientists, a degree in chemistry gives you an edge even when unemployment is high.

5 Reasons Why Chemistry is a Perfect Science for Modern Life

Chemistry has existed unofficially as long as humans have been around. The study of matter and its properties has evolved with humans, from an informal practice serving basic survival to an advanced scientific discipline with the power to solve problems of our modern age and beyond.

  1. Make Industries Safer

Chemical spills and other disasters are, unfortunately, a part of industrial settings. Expertise in chemistry is vital to resolving incidents that can result in loss of property and even life. With a degree in chemistry, you can help prevent such accidents by pursuing a career in industrial management.

  1. Create New Materials

By breaking down matter to its building-block elements chemists gain a deep understanding of material design. This knowledge can transfer to developing new materials across many applications and industries.

  1. Help Solve Crimes Quicker

For those interested in blending criminal justice with chemistry, forensic chemistry focuses on identification of perpetrators of crimes using principles of chemistry. Forensic chemists analyze materials found at crime scenes as part of evidence collection and reporting.  

  1. Find Cures for Illness and Disease

An understanding of chemistry, particularly that of the human body, can offer the keys to the recovery of health and well-being. Research chemists can contribute to the exciting discovery of medical cures through expertise in areas from biochemistry to pharmaceutical development.

  1. Make the World a Safer Place to Live

Whether chemistry is used to prevent or remedy threats to the environment, a chemical understanding of the world can reveal antidotes to these threats. Through monitoring and analysis in everything from water and air quality to climate change, chemists play a vital role in protecting the planet—for today and tomorrow.

Why is Chemistry so Hard?

Most science courses are hard, and chemistry is no exception, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Students who go into a chemistry course mentally and academically unprepared, especially organic chemistry, will find the course to be exceedingly difficult. General chemistry is often referred to as a gatekeeper course. It has a way of measuring a student’s will to push their mental, physical and academic limits. It weeds out the serious science majors from the wannabes, allowing only the best to become a science professional elite. According to The Success in Chemistry website, a large percentage of students drop out of chemistry at this point.

But, why is chemistry so hard?

College chemistry is a lot different from high school chemistry for several reasons, it …

  • Goes into greater depth
  • Moves a lot faster
  • Requires more than memorization—you must be able to solve problems
  • Involves solid basic math skills

What can you do to prepare for success in chemistry?

  • Make sure you have mastered fundamental math skills
  • Develop strong problem-solving skills
  • Cultivate good study habits and be willing to work in study groups
  • Don’t procrastinate and get behind

Why is its difficulty good?

Chemistry has a way of measuring a student’s desire to push themselves. Only the student who perseveres and pushes their physical, mental and academic limits can move on to become an accomplished science professional.

What is a Chemistry Major Good for Anyway?

A background in chemistry can equip you to work toward a better quality of life from many angles—from curing disease to developing solutions within critical areas such as food production, making it an ideal science for confronting problems at the global level.  

Chemistry majors also often go to med school, dental school, vet school and even law school. Higher education areas, such as law, require the detail-oriented skills needed to complete a chemistry degree, making it a solid steppingstone for a variety of graduate programs.

Many chemistry majors pursue careers in chemical industries, such as the manufacture of plastics and perfumes. Other chemistry-related careers can include:

  • Pharmacist
  • Forensic scientist
  • Veterinary care
  • Nursing
  • Optometry
  • Healthcare lab services—examining and analyzing bodily fluids to help diagnose and treat illness
  • Education career, either teaching chemistry at the high school or college level or doing research
  • Government work—as an industrial chemist for the Department of Energy, a biochemical chemist for the FDA or an environmental chemist for the EPA
  • Big business—in PR outreach explaining the science behind a company’s products or performing industrial and manufacturing research
  • Technical writer—simplifying and explaining complex ideas
  • Software design—creating simulations and models for chemistry research

As you see, the career paths available to a chemistry major are varied, making it possible for you to find a niche that fits you perfectly.

Chemistry at Geneva

Chemistry provides an excellent foundation for a better understanding of our physical universe. Knowing the nature of chemicals and their processes furnishes insight into a variety of biological and physical phenomena. Chemistry allows you to solve practical problems, explore matter and discover how different matter interacts and how these interactions can be used to develop new substances.

If you’re considering a major in chemistry and want to learn how to pursue this rewarding field, contact Geneva College for more information. Our online college offers a Christ-centered degree program where you can earn a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.

Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

Apr 29, 2021

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